Pecatonica River Forest Preserve
Pecatonica River Forest Preserve
Owned by Winnebago County Forest Preserve District; located at 7260 Judd Rd; parking is available at several locations; a very large area with 9.8 miles of trails and several habitat types including prairie, bottomland forest, wetland and riparian, a wide variety of birds can be observed here at all times of the year including Scarlet Tanager, Prothonotary Warbler, Pileated Woodpecker and Sandhill Crane; contact WCFPD for site map.
Birds Found at this Site:
Spring Migrating Waterfowl/Waterbirds (Spring Migrating Waterfowl/Waterbirds)
Spring Migrating Shorebirds (Mid-April through Mid-May)
Spring Migrating Songbirds (April and May)
Fall Migrating Songbirds (Late August through early November)
Fall Migrating Shorebirds (Mid-July through August)
Fall Migrating Waterfowl/Waterbirds (September through November)
Year-round resident species will be found at nearly every location. Visit Audubon.org to learn about the specific species of birds listed in each area.