The Return of the Grizzly – Monthly Program
The Return of the Grizzly
A hybrid program that wil be offered in person at the church or via Zoom.
Tuesday, Jan 7th at 7:00pm
St. John United Church of Christ, Freeport, IL
All members of Northwest Illinois Audubon Society (that we have emails for), will receive the zoom link the week before the program. If you are not a member, we want you to join us for this great program, you need to email, [email protected] to receive your zoom link. Zoom (from home) or come in-person to St John United Church of Christ (Presenter Dan Sullivan will be zooming from Montana). There will be a showing of the documentary produced by “Save the Yellowstone Grizzly” organization called, “The Return of the Grizzly.” (You are encouraged to watch their first produced video, “The Beast of Our Time,” found on YouTube.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cfuSIlEIyY&t=158s] After the showing there will be a follow-up zoom discussion with Executive Producer of the documentary, Dan Sullivan. Dan is one of the founding people of the “Save the Yellowstone Grizzly” organization formed in 2016, along with authors; Rick Bass, Terry Tempest Williams and Doug Peacock. Dan is a board advisor for Park County Environmental Council and has been a fierce advocate for wilderness all his life. He has spent decades exploring and protecting the backcountry in and around Glacier and Yellowstone National Parks. He has called Livingston, Montana, home for more than 30 years.
The Return of the Grizzly
This powerful 37-minute documentary follows the path and challenges of the “explorer bear,” the pioneering young male grizzlies that come from small, isolated core populations. The grizzly bear needs to explore and pioneer new habitats to spread its gene pool, and its long journeys are increasingly driven–and hemmed in–by the ravages of climate change. “The effect of climate change is creating explorer bears. Safe passage and tolerance for grizzly bears are the best bet for connectivity between Glacier and Yellowstone,” said Doug Peacock, award- winning author, filmmaker, grizzly bear expert and founder of Save the Yellowstone
Grizzly. Safe wildlife corridors over/under busy highways are a win/win for public safety and grizzly survival. “Return of the Grizzly” proves that, through coexistence and tolerance, humans and grizzlies can “learn” to live together, as Native Americans have proven for thousands of years. The film is narrated by one of America’s most beloved actors and storytellers, Academy Award winner Jeff Bridges, and is scored by legendary pianist Bill Payne of Little Feat. The executive producers are Doug Peacock and Dan Sullivan. “Return of the Grizzly” offers proven, long-term solutions for human/bear conflict, a vision for the grizzly’s secure future in its native habitat, and ways for YOU to get productively involved in the preservation of this unique American species, one whose independence, strength, and determination mirrors our own.