The Sloth Storytelling Hour – Monthly Program and Potluck
The Sloth Storytelling Hour – Monthly Program and Potluck
Tuesday, December 3rd with Potluck at 6:00 pm and program starting at 7:15 pm
St. John United Church of Christ, Freeport, IL
We will start the evening with a delicious potluck meal. Bring a dish to pass and your own table service. NIAS will provide beverages. After the meal, there will be some brief announcements with the program to follow at approximately 7:15.
You may heard of the “Moth Radio Hour” a program where people tell their stories. The Sloth Storytelling Hour is our version of that great storytelling program. We have filled a night with personal stories in nature, including one of an animal encounter, a gardening escapade, an adventure ordeal, and a perfect moment in nature from our membership. The lineup of storytellers for the evening, alphabetically are: Richard Benning,
“Arachnid Window Lair,” Mary Blackmore, “The Hot Mama and the Cool Bird,” Elizabeth Boettner, “My Spark Bird,” Suzanne Falconer, “Sleek Stranger in the Snow,” Don Miller, “Terror on the Eleven Point River,” Steve Simpson, “Things that go “whoosh” on a gravel bar, “Teresa Smith, “Ho, Ho, Ho,” and Kathy Weber, “The Glaring Golden Eye. “It will be a fun night, and thank you storytellers for sharing your stories! (If while reading this you decide you have a story you would like to share that night, please email, [email protected] before that evening. We still have room for two more storytellers.)