Field Trip – Open Land Birding
Open Land Birding
Thursday, January 30, 9:00 am to noon
Coordinator: Mary Blackmore 815-938-3204
Carpool from the Harbor-Freight lot in Freeport at 9:00 a.m.
We will carpool and cruise country roads in local areas that were historically prairie. Viewing will be done predominantly from the vehicles, using the cars as blinds, and communicating by radio. Typically, we’ll see several species – notably Snow Bunting, Lapland Longspur and Horned Lark – on roadsides or in fields, often in abundance if there is adequate snow cover. Snowy Owls have been spotted in past years and last year
we were fortunate to observe a Northern Shrike. Other species we’ll search for include Rough-Legged Hawk and Merlin. Of course we’ll enjoy any bird we see, including our many year-round residents.
Please call Mary to confirm your attendance.